
Adulticiding/ Fogging on private property will be based on need rather than want. Requests for fogging will result in trap placement on/around the property and or adjacent lots. We use numbers collected from our traps to determine the level of infestation. If the trap(s) counts meet or exceeded  the thresholds set by the District (50 or more Aedes spp.  and/or 5 or more (Vector) Culex ssp.) supplemental treatment options will be considered.  If traps indicate that current fogging routes are sufficiently abating mosquitoes no supplemental treatment will occur.  All of our actions have to be justified to the EPA and the Idaho Department of Agriculture. So we will not break the law because one "feels" like were not doing enough. The public served by the District need and deserve an agency whose commitment to pursuing public interest outweighs any competing personal or political considerations

Budget Hearing Date for FY-2025 is Thursday August 15th, 2024 before the start of the regular scheduled meeting(5 PM).


The Edwards Mosquito Abatement District mosquito control programs will begin on April 29th, 2024. Abatement activity will be conducted within the mosquito abatement taxing district boundaries, roughly located around the northern portion of Lake Cascade. This year, larval mosquitoes will be controlled in non-residential areas using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or drone. UAV Flights will be conducted in areas such as marshes, cattail swamps, woodland pools, flooded fields, and other large and difficult areas to access. As necessary, treatment in roadside ditches, snowmelt/stormwater flooded basins and other shallow, stagnant bodies of water in residential areas will be conducted on foot with backpacks. Areas with flowing waters (streams, rivers) or deep waters (ponds, lakes) typically do not support mosquito breeding and will not be treated. The primary control agents will be larvicides called VectoPrime FG (Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis), a quick release granule bacterium fused with the growth regulator MetaLarv (S)-Methoprene). Applications to control mosquito larvae will continue as needed until September 1st, 2024. Control agents will only be applied where larvae are collected. Street spraying (fogging) by truck-mounted sprayers will be completed in communities within the Edwards Mosquito Abatement District; neighboring communities may choose to receive treatment if a public health emergency is dictated by the state of Idaho. Street spraying is not regularly scheduled as it is dependent upon favorable weather conditions (wind less than 10 mph, temperatures at dusk greater than 50°F, and elevated biting mosquito populations and/or disease presence determined by traps placed throughout the Edwards Mosquito Abatement District). PermaSease 4-4 (Ready-To-Use) ultra-low volume insecticide (Permethrin + Piperonyl Butoxide) will be utilized in truck sprayers. The Edwards Mosquito Abatement District may decide to complete barrier insecticide (Bifenthrin) applications on residential private property where larval/adulticide applications fail to provide adequate control. Barrier treatments may also occur in parks, athletic fields, schools, and other public areas if a public health emergency is issued by the state. Property owners located within the Edwards Mosquito Abatement District that do not want their property to be treated must fill out a “request for non-treatment” form. Otherwise, private property will be treated as necessary. For additional information on biological control agents, insecticides, areas likely to be sprayed or any potential hazards, visit our website or contact us at 208-325-4096 or 

Nathan Mitchell, Edwards Mosquito Abatement District Manager. ­ 04/22/2024

People can protect themselves from West Nile virus by following the Seven D’s to avoid mosquito bites:
     DRAIN any standing water on your property that may produce mosquitoes.
     DAWN and DUSK are times for people to avoid the outdoors.
     DRESS appropriately by wearing long sleeves and pants when outdoors.
     DEFEND yourself against mosquitoes by using an insect repellant.
     DOOR and window screens should be in good condition to prevent mosquitoes from entering your home.
     DISTRICT personnel are here to help address any mosquito problem your family may be experiencing.

mosquito in crosshairs, Edwards Mosquito Abatement District, Donnelly, ID

Edwards Mosquito Abatement District